How to Live A Balance and Satisfying Day That is Repeatable?

Today Somebody Prayed for You

Today’s Bowl of Encouragement by Herb Cotton

Bible Text for Today’s Meditation and Application:

Philippians 2:5 King James Version (KJV)

5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

King James Version (KJV)

My Reflections on the Word of God Today:

This morning the first word that came to my consciousness was the word mind. I got up, and as I was looking in the mirror, I saw a notification popup from a friend.

I took the bait and read the notification and clicked on it to read the entire post. This friend wrote about this word, and I will paraphrase what she wrote and disclosed publicly.

“I’ve been in this deep wrestle in my mind and heart all morning.”

Wow! I said God is speaking to me through this post by a friend I know well; mostly at a distant, but also close up to a lesser degree. I remember her parents much better.

The critical point I want to stress in this devotional is that we need to pay attention to the battle that we all face. We meet it every day; the fight for our mind and heart and the enemies are the world, flesh and the devil; the chief emery of God and His children.

Since we know this to be true, we should do everything we know to do and do it in the strength of the Lord.

The key to being an overcomer is to do what Jesus told us to do and to follow His example by walking in the footprints of Jesus every day and all the day long.

To get the complete view, I refer you to the context for our discussion today for a more in-depth understanding of how to win the victory in your life over the battle for your mind. The Word of God has the answer, and it’s worth the time you spend getting dressed for victory. You are an overcomer; the answer is a click and a few minutes away.

Finally, I invite you to be encouraged by the last words of Jesus to His disciples and to all of His children who are Christ followers until He takes us home or His second coming.

John 16:33 King James Version (KJV)

33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Prayer Offered to Our Father in Heaven:

Father, we ask that You would tune our hearts to have the desire and discipline to guard our minds and our hearts to live in Your presence, walk daily in the Spirit and in the footprints of Jesus.

Father, help us to be more like Jesus everyday, and live the overcoming life through the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit of God. Let the people of God say, Amen.